It has been awhile since we have posted anything new on our Blog so we thought we would take the time today and do so. As you can tell from this first picture we actually went on our first safari, and it was great. Not to far from Harare is a wild animal park that you can drive through. The Bowen's took us and they had been before, so they knew where to go. When we go to the destination there was a little smoke coming from one of the huts where some people lived, and in nothing flat the thing was burned to the ground, so that was exciting
for us to see, and not so much for the people whose home burned down.

We drove down the road just a little ways, and there was this hugh lion just setting alongside the road and he was eating on a cow that they had just killed. Then a few yards further down the road was a bunch of lionesses lying in the grass. They were watching the male lion eating and you could tell that they were not very happy. The weather was great, and we saw all kinds of animal, even a male and female jaguar. We saw ellans, ostrich, baboons, lots of monkeys, wart hog, and lots more animals that I can't remember their names. All in all, it was a fantastic trip and we really do appreciate the Bowen's taking us there. Things here in Zimbabwe are good, and we are becoming a lot more familiar with what is going on around us, mainly the jobs that we have been given to do here in Harare. Jean is the Mission Secretary, and pretty much runs the show in the from office. She is very busy every minute of the day, doing Missionary stuff for the President. The two Assistants to the President are also in the office and they are so good to work with (Elder Clark and Elder Crossley) I have a separate office and my position is that of Financial Secretary. In Other words, I do anything that involves money. Also in charge of the vehicle fleet, so it is very gruelling. Everything here is pretty well done with cash, so I have a string of people all day long waiting to get paid. We have a great apartment, and it is in a very secure area with a guard at the gate. A wonderful back yard that is full of tropical plants and an avacodo tree that is full of avacado's.
We are enjoying the services of a maid once a week that cleans our apt. and does everything we ask her to do including the laundry. Her name is Beauty. She irons everything, and I do mean everything. Just let you imagination go wild. We also have a gardner that comes every other week and takes care of our back yard for us. Don't get me wrong here, the expense is very nominal, and the people really can use the money. Our gardner is called "the professor" and he does the work barefooted. He is a member of the church and is taking his family to the temple in Johanasburg this week. They are really good people.
Notice the ear missing, while we were there a baboon got on her back and chewed her ear off. We hope everyone is fine and we are going to update this more often, so be watching for our next update. We love and miss everyone, and are right in the middle of the work. The people here are great and we really love going to church and singing with them.
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