We have been in Zimbabwe for over a week now, and we feel like we need a few more weeks before we will be comfortable with our jobs. It is an eye opener to come to a 3rd World Country, and to see how things are done here is incredible. Can you invision Mexico about 30 years ago, that is the way it is here today. Everyone will get to you tomorrow, and guess what, tomorrow never comes.
It is so beautiful here though, everyone is complaining about how cold it is, and to us it is very comfortable. The mornings are sometimes brisk, but by 9 or 10 o'clock it is 70 degrees outside, and the temp. does not vary that much. We have a great big Toyota Corolla, but the stering wheel is on the wrong side of the car, and everyone drives on the wrong side of the street, but we are getting used to it. We have moved into our new home, and it is very nice and comfortable. We just have to deal with all the little problems that go along with the area, mainly power outages and no water.
Last week we went to Church way out in the country, and it was fantastic, as you can see by the picture of Jean and 3 of her friends. Church was great, and the singing was fantastic. There are no piano's, or organs for the members, but the singing is great. It was fast and testimony meeting, and they were so humble and greatful for what they had. Very strong testimonies.
The bulding that they have to meet in is quite nice, and while we were there they divided the two branches that they have a made a third. The people have to walk so far to church, that they rented another building closer to the new branch that was formed.
On our way home we took the long way home and went out in the country. And it looks just like the pictures in the magazines and on TV. Very remote, and primative. People are washing their cloths in the river, and driving the cattle with big long sticks. When you stop to give the kids some candy, they are very leary of you, and cautious when approaching the vehicle.
The country side if beautiful, and very senic. You drive for a few kilometers, and the scenery changes very rapidly. Every so often there will be big outcroppings of big rocks, and you drive a little bit further and there is a small village with little round huts.
The work here is going very fast, and the missionaries are doing a great job. We keep asking the missionaries how they are doing, and they always say they have 5 or 6 people lined up to be baptized. They are baptizing so many people here it is unbelievable. We really don't know what we are doing as far as learning our jobs, but we are hoping that we will catch on real quick. The Bowen's have been great to us, and we appreciate all they have done. Also, we have spoken to the Jefferies by phone, and their area is doing fantastic. Probably because of all their hard work.
Last night we were getting ready to lock up for the weekend and Camille and the kids rang us up on SKYPE. It was so good to talk to them and to see them on the computer. Reception was great, but we were cut off by a power outage. Love the work, and thinking of all of you.