Friday, June 22, 2012




We recently had the opportunity to travel with the rest of the Senior Couples to the Manna Pools National Park in Zimbabwe, which is located on the Zambizi River.  Sister Heck and I were in charge of this couples conference, and I must say we did a marvelous job of planning this one, because we picked the best place in Zimbabwe to go.  It only took us 5 hours to drive to this place, where we loaded everyone into boats and went another hour and half down river.  It was a trip of a life time for us, and something that we will talk about the rest of our lives.  Everyone enjoyed themselves and wished that it would not have ended.  Please enjoy these pictures.

This was our camp, we were really roughing it from here.  You will see from the rest of the pictures that this was really tough duty for Sister Heck.

Another view of the "CAMP"  I really feel guilty when I talk about this outing, it was just unbelievable.  This is the kind of thing that you read about in books, but it really happened to us.

We were "camped" right on the Zambizi River which divides Zimbabwe and Zambia, and it was just like these places fell out of of an old Look Magazine.  While we were setting on this deck we had about 12 elephants walk right in front of us, and they were so close you felt like you could reach out and touch them.  There were 4 real small elephant babies that were so adorable.  You had to be careful not to go down by the river because of the Crocs, and I'm talking 15 to 18 footers.  Also the Hippos are the most dangerous on the river, and they were every where.

This is a photo of the "tent" that Jean and I stayed in.  Yeh, cement floors, and you could open and close the sides so you could see out, or close them at night so the elephants couldn't see you sleeping at night.  Inside and outside shower, and all the eminities that a person would want to have.

This guy actually walked up the board walk, got right by our tent, and unloaded everything he had right there.  They came with a shovel and threw it in the river, but it was more that a wheel borrow full.  Anyway, he thought he was at home until I started taking pictures, and then he got a little upset, notice the ears.  I was standing behind a tree, but still a little shakey from that vantage point.

What a view we had, It was just simply fantastic.  Like I said, this is something that you read about in a book, and never get the chance to experience it, well, we did the whole 10 yards, and believe me it was worth every penny that we spent on this outing.

They had this old fashion tub on a private deck and freshly drawn hot water.  The first one there got the tub, and yes, it was fantastic.  Never experienced anything like it before.

Can you believe this, this is what life is all about, no not really, but it was one of the best experiences that we both have had.  We were treated like royalty, and loved every minute of it.  We would get up every morning at 6 a.m. and go to our "tents" every night with an armed guard.  We could lay in bed at night and listen to the lions roar and the hippos grunting, and elephants walking by the tent.  It was soreal it was great.  I would love to go back before we depart Zimbabwe. 

We saw lots of Hipos when we were on the water, and they pretty much kept us awake all night long with the deep rumble that they made.

Beautiful Sunset on the Zambizi River

Termite mound and Zebras, lots of Zebras.  They were Jean's favorite.

Seems like every time we turned around we were stopping to eat something.  Pretty much treated as though we were royalty, but what the Heck, someone has to do it.

Dugout is the main means of transportation and hunting on the Zambizi for the locals.

This was an elephant that was crossing the river, at times all you could see was his trunk sticking up like a snorkle out of the water.

Our guides, especially this guy were fantastic and very well educated.

This is how we made it to our camp, nothing fancy, but after about an hour ride in this thing, we were ready to hit the shore.  Jefferies and us shared this boat.  Vintage 1950's.

As soon as we arrived at the camp, this is what was there to welcome us to a different world all together.  This group walked past us and swam across the river to an island.

At times all you could see was their trunks sticking up out of the river, searching for air.

Finally reached the other side.

All the comforts of home and believe me, a lot more!!!

This is a vew from our bathroom of the Zambizi River and a giant termite mound.  We had elephants, rhinos, and who knows what else in our front yard.

This guy was not a "Happy Camper" and believe me when we said that we got the Heck out of there when he was coming after us!!

Never a happier moment than this, check out the back ground.

This was the "Daddy of Daddy's as far as Cape Buffalo goes.  This would be considered the trophy of all trophys, and it really is the only thing that I would love to go hunting for here in Africa.

We actually drove up on this lion as he was sleeping, knowing that she had made a kill the night before, and wasn't interested in any "fresh meat" that was in the safari wagon.  Pretty amazing!

Didn't really bother her much when she woke up and saw us setting there looking at her, but I'm sure our guide had one foot on the excelerator.  Lot of good that would have done us.

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